Our Services


Powder Brows

Color Boosts


Microblading • Powder Brows • Color Boosts • Touch-Ups •



This will give you those fine, hair-like strokes for the most natural look. Microblading is where tiny strokes are placed manually to replicate hair, and will follow your unique brow pattern. This service is great for my clients with normal to dry skin and a good amount of brow hair.

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Microblade & Shade


The most popular service that fits the needs of most of my clients. Microblading plus Shading creates a 3D brow effect. This is a great option for those with little to no brow hair. Shading combined with Microblading creates the density needed to hide any gaps in the brows where the strokes were placed.

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Powder Brows


Powder brows are created using a machine to produce a soft, pixelated effect. This is the ideal choice for the client with oily skin, desires a powdery “makeup” look, has mature skin, or when a major shape change or a coverup is needed.

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8-10 Week Touch-Up


This refining session is necessary to ensure that proper retention is achieved. It is my goal to naturally build on your results overtime, and this is best achieved over two appointments.

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Annual Color Boost


This is your maintenance appointment and should be performed anywhere between 9-12 months. Because cosmetic tattooing is semi-permanent, the pigment will lighten overtime and this appointment will make your work look brand new!

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Additional Touch-Up


This third appointment can be performed anywhere from 4-6 months from your initial appointment. Some clients, due to skin type, lifestyle or medications, may experience premature fading of pigment.

This appointment is for the client who needs or desires an additional touch-up prior to their Annual Brow Boost.

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Lashline Eyeliner


Lashline eyeliner subtly adds definition to the eyes by applying pigment along the lashline. This placement makes the lashes appear more dense and creates a more youthful appearance by awakening the eye, not to mention you get to skip the eyeliner!

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Cover Up/Corrections


This appointment will be booked by Shannon post-consult if it is determined that you are a candidate for a Correction or Cover-up of your previous work performed by another artist. In some cases, removal may be needed prior to booking to ensure the best possible results. To consult and be considered please send makeup-free brow pictures to hello@browlovekc.com

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